VAN9001: This version of vanguard requires TPM version 2.0
I get this error, although im trying to turn TPM version 2.0, but i cant find it. I could find the 'Amd fTPM ' button, and when i enabled it my pc gets a blue screen.

58 Replies
That means your pc most likely does not support TPM V 2.0. You can't do too much other than buy a whole new motherboard. You could just try reinstall vanguard too.
But i have played valorant before
so its so random
Then simply don't, its better that way trust me
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
Also win+r,tpm.msc, send a photo
i tried to make the photo in translate bc its a different language, i hope u can understand it

Get into ur bios
Use ur phone to chat here
i tried it already, and a youtube vid showed me that i have to turn on Amd fTPM but if i do that i get a blue screen
but i will go in bios rn
Never seen that happen to anyone tbh
im in bios rn
Get to the ftpm setting
Show photo
wheres that
Or advanced maybe

Go to security and show a photo

see amd cpu ftpm is disabled
Trusted computing

i get less options when i press on trusted computing
for a reason idk why
Enable amd cpu ftpm
i did
save and exit now or?
Save and exit

1 sec

Press esc
Get back into the bios
Go to peripherals again
And show a photo

Trusted computing 2.0

Disable it
Then enable again
Save and exit
what do i have to disable
Security device support
and save and exit
or disable and enable
Disable and enable
and after that save and exit
gets me to the same blue screen
Back into the bios

i am now
Disable amd ftpm
Save and exit
Need to check ur windows settings
i am in my desktop rn
Press win+r
Type winver
Show ss of the app that opens

In a comp match, gimme like half an hour sry
its alr
@lyra can u pull the bios update for their mobo?
hmphhh ;-;
bios or drivers
i think my drivers are up to date, im not sure
Your windows installation is corrupted