is this permanent? why did this happen i only have valorant tracker by overowlf tho

16 Replies
Seen a tiktok that was going around saying people with tracker, overwolf and blitz etc have been banned due to 3rd party
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cant spell
make a ticket with riot ^
if it was a false ban (false bans happen but seldomly) you will be unbanned
the van152 ban counts as a perm ban however after 4months the ban should be lifted, however you need to make a new account
4month hwid ban
gg buddy
do a ticket if they dont answer or close u get banned for a good reason i did to so i need to wait 1 and a half month more to play again on a new acc
godd luck
So the Valorant tracker can be a reason to be banned because I was banned a few days ago
it can but its rare
so using valorant tracker is banable? i need to wait 4 months :((
Nah I dont think so
U had something on ur PC do Ticket if u not unbanned then ye 4 month
yes it is
any 3rd party software is bannable
Ye but tracker get Sponsored by top players
I dont think so that u get banned
I used it 3 years
No ban
Maby rare

Ye but I dont think u get banned for it
its rare
U dont get it i dont say u wont 100% its rare Like I said i using it a long time now
no ban no nothing