I can’t buy any vp

I really want to buy some vp to get a battle pass and also a good vandal skin I got from the night market but I can’t. There is a platform status warning that some payment options are unavailable due to them performing maintenance and that they will not be available until they are done. I don’t know what the problem is but if there’s anyone that does or any way I can fix it then please do let me know. I would hope that it isn’t just them doing maintenance because if it is I would have to hope that it’s done before the night market goes away
5 Replies
Asian_Fatty11mo ago
pretty sure they're trying to fix it, so some payment types won't work rn
ramenoodl™OP11mo ago
Oof Kinda sad cuz I got Neptune vandal Really wanna buy it
La Papaya Galáctica
do you know if when I try to buy vp but when I buy, it stays on a black screen loading and never loads?
Asian_Fatty11mo ago
that happened to me once Just restart Ur game and buy it a again
ramenoodl™OP11mo ago
That’s never happened to me before Though I wish that was the problem so that it had an easy solution

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