Ping troubles from May 2024
Sup guys, i have a lil bit troubles with ping.
The first time this happened was at the end of April. My standard ping in Warsaw is 13-16, in Frankfurt and Stockholm about 30-37.
But on this day my ping rose to 100 in Warsaw, and 170-230 in Stockholm and Frankfurt. This happened after some small update in the game itself. Then I had two working days, was not able to play and did not check my ping. When I entered the game again (two days later) there were no more problems with ping and everything was wonderful. Then I thought that the new update fixed everything. But literally a week later this problem appeared again, and it still has not been resolved. Unfortunately, out of all the tests I have problems with ping only in Valorant. All sites on the Internet where you can measure ping specifically for Valorant show my old ping (i.e. around 30-35 ms for Stockholm and Frankfurt)
Perhaps someone has encountered something similar, how can this be solved? I already tried updating the router, reinstalling Windows, but unfortunately nothing helped me.
24 Replies
ISP : SunNet
Country : Kyiv, Ukraine
Server : Warsaw/Stockholm/Frankfurt
Same from israel used to play 50 on frankfurt since then 80~90 jumps to 140~150 in small jumps
I fixed it, to my surprise, it helped me to completely reinstall Windows, before that I had version 11, today I installed Windows 10, and everything is fine now

@ossaya i will give it a try im playing with win11 aswell i will install win10 , not sure how it helps to change win versions but ill give it a try
I hope this will help you) I have a licensed Windows, and it has been updated frequently lately, I reinstalled it, but it was unsuccessful. What helped me specifically was the transition from 11 to 10 Windows.
@ossaya sadly nothing has changed i installed win 10 and the issue is the same , i know its a riotside issue , i just want it to be fixed asap cuz i cant enjoy the game on asc3 ranks with this ping
I'm really sorry that this didn't help(
Riot most likely will not take this situation personally, I also wrote to them and they told me that everything is fine with them. But, if you look at this Discord channel, as well as Reddit, or any other resource, the problem with ping is endless, unfortunately
I hope everything works out for you and the ping will be good)
much love brother , yeah the ping issue is definetly by riot side. hope they will fix it.
@Kenji-San maybe this is something for you :val_HeyApple:
@Necrodunker I dont think its your windows guys, I reached out to Bezeq ( Izreal ISP ) to fix the route a bit towards EU servers, I am still awaiting reply
will investigate Sunnet though as thats a different ISP
@Kenji-San can u update me on whats going on with bezeq as soon as possible? thanks alot.
Alas, but to my great regret, this is true. This morning my ping returned, and now I again have a ping of about 100 on all European servers. I already reinstalled Windows twice today, but unfortunately it didn’t give any result(
I have a file that I saved from the IPinfo website, I can send it
^ @ossaya check it out if anything improved when you get a chance please 🤞
10 min pls, will turn on my pc

looks good ? Warsaw is 15ms this is where your ISP is sending your traffic through, Riot Games have presence here
getting some data now

Yeah, that ping is unreal perfect, thank you!
If I restart the computer now, or enter the game tomorrow, will my ping be saved?
I need to ask Cosmonova to carry your ISP traffic to us, must be Monday. Yeah ping should stay unless your internet provider does something unexpected with the routing :Brim_KEKW:
Thanks a lot)
@Kenji-San did bezeq spoke to u?
@Necrodunker yes I see them agreed to our fix, have your latency improved ? I see average on about 60ms rn from Bezeq
I have also asked them to make sure they are routing all the players towards Frankfurt so if its not the best yet they might be still working on that part
@Kenji-San ill take a look tomorrow thank u ❤️