Bullet Tracer
Ive recently updated Valorant to the newest version and I’m a player who always had bullet tracer off, however when i pick up any gun that wasn’t bought by me during rounds, (or just generally any guns in TDM) the bullet tracer was shown even the settings is off, which i have to manually turn it on and off again to reset, this is quite annoying as when i want to pick up guns mid round to clutch etc it was really distracting, anyone find a known fix to this issue?
6 Replies
This seems to be a known bug related to the recent update. For now, try these steps:
1. Graphics Settings Reset: Fully reset your graphics settings and then configure them again.
2. Config File: Delete or rename your config file (located at
C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Local\VALORANT\Saved\Config
). This will force the game to recreate it.
3. Repair or Reinstall: Use the Riot Client to repair your game files or try reinstalling VALORANT.
4. Support Ticket: If the issue persists, submit a ticket to Riot Games support detailing your issue.
For further troubleshooting, check Riot Games Support: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us
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I tried this already 🤓🤓🤓
Jokes aside is there found solution
It is a bug please wait for it to be patched
