My problem
If I play on a losing team I bot frag and mid frag with around 5-12 kills but on a winning team I can top frag with 20-25 kills. This happens a lot and I think it's a mental thing
15 Replies
this is community help
not emotinal help
but good job
I'm looking for a routine or method to stop this
Sometimes the people are better timers then you. You have to approach games differently. The same thing won't work all the time.
Ok, do you have a reccomended routine to get better
play aimlabs for a month
Just play the game more. Try to adapt.
i have problem
its van 1067
when i start valorant i can not play
Stop doing that
i just need q help
Ss problem
I've never seen this error code
brooo howw
its VAN 1067

REINSTALL WINDOWS only Solution that works