Client Freeze/Game Dodges
I have so many issues when trying to play the game that I just don't know how to resolve and am getting discouraged even trying to play anymore.
First of all, the log in time is like 5 minutes just for the client to open to the actual MENU of the game, not a game itself.
After queuing into a game, no matter how many games I've played in the day, the Agents never load into the agent select screen. Then after picking an agent, the timer freezes and the client is stuck in agent select for a few minutes before switching to the Loading screen. 10 minutes later, after finally getting in game, a round has passed.
The other situation happening is that even AFTER selecting an actual agent, the screen will say I picked, freeze at 0, then kick me and say I "dodged" agent select. This occurs so often I get penalized.
If I try to close the damn program, there is an underlapping screen shot of my PREVIOUS game frozen on the screen that won't let me show Task Manager, so I have to completely restart my PC.
I don't have this issue with any other game. I assume it's Vanguard but I don't know. I have now noticed an affect on my actual League of Legends games now too. Moments of sudden FPS drop that I did not have before Vanguard was part of League. I have completely reset my entire PC, removing all additionally downloaded programs including Valorant, League, and Vanguard and reinstalled. Deleting and reinstalling is not fixing the issue.

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