random Suspension
I got accused of having prohibited game modification even though there were none and im now Suspended for 1 day if this happens again will it be permanent? Also i think the reason the game thought of that was that my Ping was so high i was moving really weirdly even so i managed to get some kills is that a possible reason?
24 Replies
Anyone know what I should do to prevent this??
Was it 1 day or 1 minute?
And have u been getting an error code saying like VAL 5
Or anything like that

What time is it there rn?
This was 3 hrs ago
1 day suspension
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Navigate to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
When i got the Brimstone and Sage loading screen i think it said Error Code Val 5
Thanks a lot
If it shows val 5 after that, u will need to do some other things
May i ask why did this happen?
Most of the time, its just the game asking u to reinstall vanguard
Which is this ^
Sometimes it doesn't work and u will have to reinstall the whole game but do a few extra steps before reinstalling
I cant follow these steps
Is there a video step by step on yt?
Its the support team special
Oh ok
I havent done anything yet and valorant opened if i play will it suspend me?
I would still do this first
I dont really understand any of these because these are my first weeks of owning a computer
U don't know how to open the task manager?
No the cmds
Skip the cmds
got this same issue @jidat , error code 5 + val suspension for game modification (like 1-2minutes)
do i just reinstall everything?
Disable ipv6 and set ur dns to, Uninstall riva tuner statistics if u have it. Give exceptions to vanguard, riot client and valorant in ur firewall. Uninstall vanguard, valorant and riot client using control panel in this order. Then download riot client again and download valo and vanguard.
Following this ^