funniest agent to play

Hello, I'm searching for a new main character to play and I'm playing for fun. What is the funniest agent to play?
4 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent•10mo ago
If you're looking to have fun, you might enjoy playing as Raze. She's known for her explosive and chaotic playstyle, which includes abilities like Paint Shells (grenades) and Showstopper (rocket launcher). Her kit often results in entertaining and sometimes unexpected outcomes, making her a blast to play. Another fun agent is Yoru, whose deceptive abilities like Fakeout and Gatecrash allow for some creative and tricky plays, often leading to hilarious moments.
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LeDieuDembouz👑OP•10mo ago
Maybe an other one that's not so complicated to learn for a beginner? Do you think Skye and brim are also good ? Okay thanks do you have some good tips?
Saucywan•10mo ago
Focus on moving A lot of people just get stuck with just shooting And standing still That won't fly in comp you'll die a lot
LeDieuDembouz👑OP•10mo ago
Ok thx

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