Hello. I’ve been banned today from third party but i didnt cheat or i didnt use anything my pc all clear. I got banned for permanently please can you help me? I sent tickets but all i got feedbacks from blitzcrank bot.
33 Replies
Btw its not a hwid ban
Good to see riot finally taking care of cheaters
Do you realise half the people have been falsely banned though? 😂
Of course, everyone’s innocent and cheats just magically appeared in their PCs 🤡 if you got banned, apparently you deserved it. Take responsibility for your actions
No i did not deserved it because i didnt cheat you have so bad heart i hope u live something like this
You say im a cheater but i have not hwid ban so
i only wish karma 4 u xD
i spent 191k on valo
trained many aim routines to reach immortal
and i can eat u alive in csgo 1v1 aim duel right now
and i got banned on valorant
i can also stream it on twitch so all people see u getting shitted on xD
but PLSSSSSS god gimme karma make it false ban plsssssss xD
Yeah also im a new player in silver no sense..
@Riot Schmick
unfortunately there's nothing i can do to help with this. devs don't have access to ban or unban or to even look at account info for privacy and security reasons.
if you want to talk to someone, you can try opening a ticket with player support, but pick a different category than ban/penalty. you could also try tracking down the VAL Police Dept discord and see if you can talk to anyone in there.
Are you genuinely this dumb? Do you realise that they aren’t cheating? They can flag “third party softwares” such as mouse software? Are you saying that’s cheating
Thank you for your attention
All u can do is wait for a reply from support
Also sending too many tickets will get u blacklisted and y will never get a reply
yeah i sent a new ticket from different category i hope they will see
where can i reach val police dept in discord i couldnt see
Wait what?
Who told u that there is such a thing?
oh sorry i think its a misunderstanding
i thought it is
i sent ticket ill wait
what happened? did u get it back
sorry to bother but where can i find the val police department discord?
- Riot
if you google it, it's the first link
i got the account back lol
how'd you do that?
Welcome back :Salutt:
i messaged the riot support explaining everything i knew and when they checked back, i think they realized vanguard accidentally detected smth unrelated to val but marked it as cheats
so they gave it back
thank you!
i was so worried about everything since i’ve spent much money and had the acc for a while, and i wouldn’t risk it all for “cheats”
interesting, i've never heard of them doing that
been like 3 months since i got my HWID ban, i contacted the support but they seem ignoring my ass i only want to know how much is the ban duration of VAN152
you should probably not take over other people's topics
but as it states in our online docs, it's 4 mos

i just couldnt send u a private dm so i contacted ya here
is it true that it lasts 3 months and depends on how hard you cheated, i mean like if you cheated rly hard you gonna wait 4 months
you could have pinged me in #general or started your own topic
i just said it's 4 mos.
it's not 3, it's 4
and no, you dont get diff lengths depending on "how hard you cheated"
you can get longer bans if you keep re-offending though
please don't
Please don't ask us about bans/unbans
Most users who ask this just get banned from the discord ngl
thanks for the info
haha np i mean yes there is some real false bans but you probably know yourself that 99% of them aren't false 😭