Frankfurt server ping
why pings are so bad in frankfurt in the last 3-4 days?? i used to play 50 now i barely go below 75~80
this is getting into my nervs and ive seen many many players experiencing this in the last few days , are u working on a fix or something? my ISP is Bezeq give me some lights
20 Replies
75-80 isn't that bad ngl
@Asian_Fatty ? why would i play with 75-80 when for 4 years ive been playing with 52~?
cuz it's not bad
and it's only like a 25 ping difference
@Asian_Fatty its noticeable and its unplayable to me and ive seen many here in discord and reddit asking the same , all im asking is if theyre going to fix it or i need to get used to play in this dogshit ping or i need to move to other county closer to frankfurt :3
if other ppl getting same problem, you won't be able to do anything about it
it's a server problem
@Del Bringo
Its a routing issue either in riots side or ur side, riot did change the way they r routing their connections iirc so that might be the cause
Sit tight and wait for them to resolve it OR use smth like exitlag in order to reroute ur connection
@Aizu cant be on my side cause everyone in my country who plays valorant going through the same , ping was 51~52 forever and since last weekend it went up to 75~80 for every single one no matter which isp we have.
It could be a nation wide routing issue
Try exitlag, if that doesnt work, then just wait for riot to fix their stuff
@Del Bringo
Dont ping him too much
I had 26 ping frankfurt, when entered game while downloading something on steam, after download ping is 63ms. Restarted game, restarted pc, flushed dns, tests on google says 30ms on frankfurt servers at most, game gives 63ms. Istanbul gives 46ms suddenly, and its a lot more away from me than frankfurt servers
@Valee yeah shit is fucked up since last weekend
Hey @Necrodunker can you send me over the results for a traceroute to
Found it, looks like Bezek operates under two names. Tamares Telecom and Bezek. yeah looks like it jumped about 25-30ms. I added it to the list for the network engineers to poke around and and see if we can't get a better peering agreement in place with them. That traceroute would still be super helpful.
Would allow us to see where you're ingressing and help us see if there's a better spot for you to ingress into our network.
@Del Bringo sure sending it here
@Del Bringo you sure thats the ip i need to traceroute? it sits in the US and im from Israel. like 30 hops were request timed out
anyways yeah it did jump by 25~30 Ping and if it was just me i wouldve known that every single player here suffers from the same problem , we all used to play with 50~ ping since last weekend it jumped by 25~30
thats what it gave me

Cool! :ty:
@Del Bringo will i see my ping changes soon , man it affects my performance so bad playing with 80 from 50 is pretty hard and noticeable.
Not quite sure how long it'll take. These things usually take a little back and forth conversations between us and the ISP.
can u update me? on whats going or if there will be any updates? im updating ppl on our community discord.