VALORANT11mo ago

Do i get unbanned if i login on another device?

if yes i might just buy another pc
15 Replies
silva11mo ago
Ya but you@can’t use the same account
me11mo ago
It's not bannable at all. But keep in mind that they keep track of which clients use which accounts. If cheats are found on one PC, the ban could spread to other accounts that have played on that PC.
Void11mo ago
so lets say I play val on my pc (never cheat) but then i sell it and that guy cheats on it w a different account, what then? If they ban for that thats kinda sad
me11mo ago
when you first logged into your account, you agreed not to share you account credentials or sell your account. so whoever cheats on ur account; according to riot it's you.
Void11mo ago
im saying they cheat on their own account on the pc i sold them u said they check hardware so that makes me worried to sell my pc @me
me11mo ago
it's possible the hwid will be the same. and if it is, you could get roped into bans on the same hardware. but it's unlikely right. they may upgrade some part.
Void11mo ago
so basically to avoid this i can swap one part like swap motherboard or whatever im not a huge pc guy sorry 🥲
me11mo ago
it's unlikely someone who buys your pc would also play valorant, right. and if you're ultra concerned, you can sell the parts separately.
Void11mo ago
That’s true tbh I forgot about that Altho I use a gaming laptop so😭 But yeah will prob just sell the parts Or I’ll use it till it’s not worth anything
me11mo ago
I honestly wouldn't worry about it.
silva11mo ago
I kinda dont understand buf if your asking if you sell a pc you logged onto and they cheat you wont get banned (IF YOU REINSTALLED VALORANT)
Void11mo ago
So lets say I play val on my pc and ive never cheated. At one point i decide to sell the pc. The new owner cheats on it with their own personal account, am I still at risk of being banned? People are saying you can get banned using the same hardware as a cheater. If so that's rather frustrating as it makes selling your pc impossible. Reworded it
me11mo ago
This is probably why hwid bans are temporary. Accounts that are involved in a hwid ban are gone, but the hwid ban goes away after like 5 months. Or so they say. Like unless you're selling your laptop directly to a known cheater in Valorant, it's unlikely they'll instantly get a ban and affect your accounts.
silva11mo ago
No unless you log back in
StaticOP11mo ago
oh ty guys

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