Can someone give me an advice

Solution:Jump to solution
Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "C:\Riot Games\VALORANT" /grant Users:F /t /c
15 Replies
Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "C:\Riot Games\Riot Client" /grant Users:F /t /c
i did
what do i need to do
Restart ur pc
Try to open the game again
didnt work :'(
Open ur riot games folder
Then valorant/live/shootergame/binaries/win64 and open valorant win64 shipping
Show the error if it gives u any

Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "C:\Riot Games\VALORANT" /grant Users:F /t /c

Restart ur pc
Try to open valorant win64 shipping again
didnt work
i clicked wrong button
Right click on valorant win64 shipping
Show ss

Do the same for valorant.exe
Present in the valorant live folder