Using Valorant Music for a University Event/Program
Hi, I just want to know if I can use a remixed Valorant music for a regional event happening in our university, is it even illegal to use this even if it is remixed? I was planning to remix 2Worlds and use it as our theme music for 2 days
10 Replies
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Ask them
it might also fall under
fair use
Ohh ty ty
ask riot and in the meanwhile read about copyright fair use I suppose :val_HeyApple:
May I have a link on the copyright fair pls😅
https://copyright . psu . edu/copyright-basics/fair-use/
remove the spaces between the dots
automod blocks the link lol
Ty ty
however that might only work if you are in the USA
not sure