VALORANT10mo ago

I have been falsely banned

My teammate I was queued with was banned whilst I still had the "game terminated" screen, my game was fine for another 2 minutes and i was just chilling in the lobby asking my friend why they got banned, before my Valorant gave me the message that I have been permanently suspended. I would also like to mention that the UNRATED game right before the SWIFTPLAY that got terminated; at the end of the match (unrated) a player said something along the lines of "say goodbye to your accounts" Me and my friends paid no mind to it since we know we have done nothing wrong that would terminate our accounts. We queued another match and then got our accounts suspended. It says that we both have been using third party softwares, but I doubt that is the case. I have also submitted a ticket regarding this issue but for some reason i cannot access it. It does not show any tickets under my requests for some reason, but my friend can see his. I am genuinely confused and upset. Assistance would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
18 Replies
meiOP10mo ago
I have also submitted a ticket regarding this issue but for some reason i cannot access it. It does not show any tickets under my requests for some reason, but my friend can see his.
meiOP10mo ago
No description
meiOP10mo ago
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Saucywan10mo ago
What account are you logged in with
meiOP10mo ago
The account i submitted the ticket on I have even tried logging out and clicking the link in the email I have tried on different devices as well
riku10mo ago
Provide them with as much detail and evidence as possible to support your case. If you truly haven't used any third-party software or violated any terms of service, there may have been a mistake that can be rectified upon further investigation.
meiOP10mo ago
What can i use to support my case as proof?
riku10mo ago
Provide any technical information about your system setup, software installed, and security measures taken to demonstrate that you have nothing to hide.
meiOP10mo ago
I have added in my ticket for them to check my software again to see if anything was misdiagnosed/ flagged hopefull thats possible
riku10mo ago
Okay, I would just wait for a response and just go on from there.
meiOP10mo ago
So i just show them everything i have downloaded?
riku10mo ago
meiOP10mo ago
okay thank you
riku10mo ago
No problem.
meiOP10mo ago
No description
No description
meiOP10mo ago
What on my pc could possibly be hacks or third party softwares? because I know for sure I don’t use anything like that. I feel like they didn’t even bother to check for sure. They’re just saying the anti cheat system said so, “so that’s that” and it’s very upsetting. Something on my pc must have been flagged by mistake but I don’t even know where to go from here, because I know I can’t get my money back.
VANGUARD10mo ago
Riot does not offer an official list of which software, hardware, or other modifications may lead to ban. Riot is constantly working on trying to keep the game fair for all players. They stress that any modification that causes an unfair advantage for players, will lead to a restriction. Learn more below: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/10729504652691-Addressing-cheating-in-VALORANT

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