Game freezes then crashs or very unplayable
when i try to load up val it does anything i said above any way to fix this i tried setting it at high priority and with admin and still no help any tips
12 Replies

Hello! Does it give you an error code or just crashs, and how long has this happend for?
just crasged
wait no well it just freezes for a very long time and maybe turns black and slows down my pc
and gives me high ping on discord
i havent played val in awhile i downloaded today since 2022]
I just deleted the whole game and redownloaded it on my other drive and still the same issue
My main issue is that when I boot the game it takes a very long time and when I start a game I’m still at the loading screen when everyone is already in
You are probably using a lot of your cpu
do you have a good cpu or do you have a lot of stuff open?
something that could help is clicking this arrow bottom left

is this normal?

and thats what my rrow on the right shows

There’s no way to read it without having the cpu watcher open during the crash
I’m not an expert but I know there are apps that simulate a crash that help determine these things
im not crashing anymore im just frozen in the loading menu while trying to play game
i got an hour ban for not loading in the gane