stuck on which role to play and how to progress
I am currently plat 1 I hit it around 3 days ago but I don't feel comfortable on any role. I am very inconsistent but I have the most playtime on reyna. I enjoy cypher but don't like having to anchor sites I enjoy clove but I don't like smoking that much and I have experience on gekko and jett any options for me?

4 Replies
Congratulations on hitting Platinum 1! Based on your playtime and performance, here are some thoughts on roles and agents you might enjoy:
1. Duelist (Reyna, Jett): You spend the most time on Reyna with a decent K/D and high ADR, indicating comfort in duelist roles. Jett also has a positive win rate and reasonable performance stats. Considering your enjoyment of aggressive playstyles and high impact in rounds, you might want to continue developing with these agents.
2. Sentinels (Cypher, Chamber): You mentioned liking Cypher but disliking the anchor duty aspect. Chamber might be a suitable alternative since he fits more of a hybrid playstyle between sentinel and duelist, and your K/D and win rate with him are excellent.
3. Initiator (Skye, Gekko): Your win rate with Skye is notably high, and your KAST is impressive. Skye might be great for you to aid team cohesion and improve overall game impact.
4. Controllers (Clove): While you don't like smoking, your performance with Clove is notable with high ADR/ACS and win rate. Perhaps reconsider your stance on controllers, focusing on leveraging your strengths with Clove.
To progress:
- Consider focusing on a primary role (Duelist or Initiator) and a primary agent with consistent impact.
- Continue practicing with agents where you have higher win rates and maintain positive K/D ratios.
Experiment, find your comfort zone, and remember to adapt based on team composition.
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yoo this bot is mind blowing 🙏
Dude it fucking read the win % from the screenshot it's genuinely so cool
you're good on chamber ngl, high wr, decent kast on him, your kills benefits your team and you seem comfortable playing on chamber