Weird Ping Spikes
Sometimes, I get this weird repeated ping spikes that makes my game feel very choppy. After around 30 seconds of this, it'll go back to its normal (9-10ms). I just switched to Google Fiber and am seeing this for the first time after that.

9 Replies
your ping freeze when you turn training bots on shooting range?
the spikes only happen for like 30 secs to a min randomly, and after that it returns to normal
i think i've only seen it while in a game so far though
not in the range
also wdym by ping freezing
it still jitters slightly but not like the picture
go to shooting range turn on bots and see if it goes to 9999 ping
it doesn't do that
it stays normal
for me cloudflare WARP solved problem but its different, but maybe
when i use it, i get significantly lower download and upload speeds and the ping isnt really better
i didnt test it in game though
ye it goes thru dns so you have littlebit more ping but it was my only way to fix random lag spikes after 2 months of searching xD using custom dns on my pc didnt fixed it
What the fuck is that
Looks like an issue with ur ISP
But still
try this
netsh int ip resetipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewipconfig /flushdnsnetsh winsock resetnetsh advfirewall reset
It didn’t work