tp movement even with average 10-15ms rtt jitter, 240fps consistently, 15 ping constistently, etc
30 Replies
can you turn on all graphs and record about a 40sec deathmatch
@lyra does this help u or nah
it wasnt doing it that uch when i was recording
dont mind me fucking dying every second
i was focusing on the camera
seeing if it was in view
these are my graphs

best view of the thing is like
last 10 seconds
u can see the lag
can you do win + r and type msinfo32
send me a screenshot
i already did that lan drive stuff if thats what ur going for

what gpu do you have?
theres thes 4 spiking whenever i get it

i have this one hold on

cpu + gpu
windows 11?
no idea how to go back to windows 11
windows 10
when was the last time you updated gpu drivers
as in from geforce?
like 2 weeks ago
but like
i reset my pc aswell
so idkbro
try updating them again
this one is the latest one

i forgot to reinstall geforce
might be why
idk tho
it will probably start again if it fixes
try getting all the drivers setup:val_PepeShrug:
its doing a 50 billion minute graphic driver installation rn

@lyra ive installed it and im gonna quickly set up valorant optimize for geforce
then ill let u know how it is in a while see if it still does it or not
played a deathmatch
it did it like
15 times total
like it was a lot less and strong
but its still there