•Created by h on 5/18/2024 in #crosshairs
anyone got
think its a darker green custom colour too maybe
2 replies
•Created by h on 5/1/2024 in #community-help
shit lag movement
tried every fix like drivers, dns, etc
i get 0 packet loss and 10 ping with 240+fps yet i still get it, i cant use ethernet and that probably still wont fix it
19 replies
•Created by h on 4/28/2024 in #community-help
Network Problem/Low Client FPS issue despite good ping and 0 (or rare) packet loss
121 replies
•Created by h on 4/25/2024 in #community-help
handedness preferance
whats the proper way to know if left or right is better for you?
7 replies
•Created by h on 4/12/2024 in #community-help
fucking rtt jitter shite AGAIN, games unplayable
12 replies
•Created by h on 4/12/2024 in #community-help
best equalizer settings (steelseries sonar) ??
just wondering what u guys might use for sonar to hear footsteps better etc, dunno if it even helps but yeah
2 replies
•Created by h on 4/8/2024 in #community-help
tp movement even with average 10-15ms rtt jitter, 240fps consistently, 15 ping constistently, etc
52 replies
•Created by h on 4/2/2024 in #community-help
lag movement again after updating lan drivers which fixed it
137 replies
•Created by h on 3/31/2024 in #community-help
how to fix this shi? cant play properly bro

48 replies
•Created by h on 3/30/2024 in #community-help
tp laggy movement, keeps teleporting me when on angles or just moving around

29 replies
•Created by h on 3/27/2024 in #community-help
tp lag movement idk what to cvall it
ight when im movin about and yk tryna get cheeky 1 dinks, my tp just teleports slightly to the side very often and exposes me to people when i havent even moved to that area
3 replies
•Created by h on 3/26/2024 in #community-help
tp movement lag thing
when im playing a game, my ms is roughly 3-6 and my fps is always 240+, my packet loss is 99% of the time 0 with an often spike to 1%.
when im moving around the map, peaking etc. my movement glitches around and tps me around the area im at, sometimes even tping me into an open space and allowing them to kill me
explanation might have been bad im not sure
2 replies
•Created by h on 3/24/2024 in #community-help
how do i fix packet loss? im just tping even tho i just updated drivers n shi its so annoying
2 replies