tp laggy movement, keeps teleporting me when on angles or just moving around
ive JUST reset my pc so it cant be any drivers or anything, my internet is like 1gigabit per second or something and i genuinely have no idea whats causing it
i can barely play
16 Replies
when you're teleporting, did the packet loss go higher than 0% ?
Enable graph of ur rtt jitter
k one sec
no but it does on some occasions
yup, it's your network
Having high speed network doesn't mean it's stable
Match ur lag with that graph
it spikes when i get the laggy movement
do you think its just a router restart that i need?
try this
netsh int ip resetipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewipconfig /flushdnsnetsh winsock resetnetsh advfirewall reset
i dont think its been reset/turned off in a while
sure, try it. Also try @jidat 's method
Mine just contains the restarting ur router one
With other things u should do evry once in a while
In order
i cant find any "random hardware access" setting
idk if its different for win 11
Skip it
@jidat done it all shits still lagging
havent reset router cus my brother keeps complaining tho
cus hes a little virgin
who cant deal with no internet for 1 second
i mean its not as bad
ok restarted it ill se what it sl ike