Match Found Frozed
So like everytime when I start valorant, when its match found and hit to 0 mark the game frozed.
86 Replies
did it load back>
cus mine do freeze for a few seconds too but then it loads
id tried waiting about somewhere 10mins-15 still not responding
what ur pec
Device name MARTHIN
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU 3.30 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB
Device ID 284AA800-06BF-4F4C-8A4E-9AEF3AB52533
Product ID 00331-10000-00001-AA656
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display
ur val installed on ur ssd?
also u using nvidia ?
im actually not good about specs information
so my apologies hehe
search valorant on ur windows search
and right click it
click on open file location
done 😄
no i mean
this one is to check where ur valoranti sinstalled
so where was it installed?

do u use hdd or ssd
not sure where to check that
go to search bar and type 'defrag'
click on defragment and optimizes drives
and see what is shows
oh SSD
hmm u should be doing fine then
ight try this one
back to file location
on it
oh shi thats not it
wait lemme ss

go to sumn like this
look for riot games file
on ur ssd
then valorant > live
Thats just the shortcut
Open riot client
Settings at the top right
Select valorant
Show ss
@Tykoo found it?
no 😦
ight lemme just rec a vid
ignore the music LMFAO
look for that
then u delete these

next step is go to uninstall programs on ur control panel
look for riot vanguard
uninstall it

yep thats right
Its not on ur ssd
@Tykoo delete
he only got 1 drive
i think
look at his ss on top

so whats the next step?
Its on G
Their ssd is C
Thats a shortcut on the desktop which is always in the C drive
Its not the actual game
That will not do anything
ok ask him to show the defrag stuff
just try
Just move ur whole riot games folder to ur ssd
Its not that hard
I tried that too still the same thing for some reason
Its not on ur C drive rn tho
alr ill try ur way
the system c drive right?
Are u sure thats ur ssd in the first place?
Or u have an ssd at all
TT @Tykoo ss the defrag thingy


Yea just move ur riot games folder to the C drive
do what he said
the one u accessed earlier
Nvm u don't have the space to transfer it
this but go back to riot games
he can use the other one
also SSD
They don't have space in their C drive
on D?
Which one are u referring to exactly?
the new volume
next to C
do u see it?
Not sure if D is a ssd
Open task manager
Show ss
look at this again pls
performance moniter?
Yeah looking at it
What about it?
u telling me D wasnt listed on this one?

damn u got usb connected
A usb sheesh
Running val off a usb
since he got no opt
Ofc its not working
move it to D
im playing fine on HDD
bit slower but all g
If u can't move it to ur ssd due to low space then just move to hdd
Def better than a usb
I gotchu
when ure done delete the valorant shortcut from ur desktop cus its prolly wont work anymore
create a shortcut of ur valorant win 64 shipping and put it on ur desktop
then try launching it
and q dm
ok I gotchu ill notify u when its good for now
I really have to go
i transfered all the files to D: but the valorant wont let me open
oh nvm it works