Valorant Issues

In the last two days I was playing. I've had the screen go black, the game freeze, I got kicked out of the game for it to say it has a patch, and today I was told there was a corrupted file that the Riot Client said that everything was working fine. Restarting my PC kept it working. Tonight I get into a comp game get told I have a corrupted file and so I googled a new way to fix it as it crashed several times when trying to get back in. I was only in for 4 rounds before it happened. I deleted all the temp files. But please explain to me why your game that is crashing for a corrupted file has me prevented from playing comp for 24 hours? I didn't dodge, I didn't quit because I was losing. Is a penalty reversible if the game keeps doing this? What proof do I need to avoid being banned for longer than a day in comp? I really don't care that I lost 32 RR because my team quit due to me not being able to come back which lordy thats a lot. So I was just looking at the shop went to play unrated and I have a timer for that too? It's not even my fault. How is this fair?
2 Replies
Lucas10mo ago
this isnt fair this game is full of bugs like these
GothipireOP10mo ago
It's so irritating and almost becoming unplayable.

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