Stuck on loading screen
I recently changed computers and I am unable to launch Valorant. I updated the drivers then I uninstalled and reinstalled Valorant, but nothing happened. I stay stuck on this screen the whole time. Can someone give me others advices?

111 Replies
also is val allowed to access your internet
plus is ur spec doing fine
Even if I log out and back in or restart my computer, I still get stuck on the loading screen...
whats ur spec
why r u here also LMAO
add the folders to firewall exception
^^ @dagd
you can also try this :
open command prompt as administrator and type these commands in order one after another.
reboot the router wait for it to get connected to internet then reboot the pchow about you just reboot your pc first?
go to control panels and look for "windows firewall" then "allow an app or feature through windows defender firewall"
then u add valorant
I can't see Valorant only Riot Client
put it
Eye issue
reboot yourself
look for V
replug eyeball
@dagd ss
yeah fr

yep he rlly dont hv it through
ok so
thats good
open cmd prompt now
do you see this option?

put this in
netsh advfirewall reset
ight brah which one is easier
yea i tried to add valorant
u hv to put the shipping 64 one

ahh good
these 3 ?

i dont know where to find these in my computer
click on change settings and
click on aalow another app
now where do u install ur valorant?
look for riot games folder on that driver
then navigate to valorant
then live > shootergame > binaries
then look for valorant-win64-shipping.exe

now add it
also u need vgc through it also
vgc usually is installed on ur C drive
look for it in program files
then find riot vanguard
and put vgc.exe on it
also right click valorant on your dekstop
let it run as admin
its supposed to be in the valorant files?
program files on c drive
riot vanguard folder
put this

i dont have riot vanguard folder in my c drive
where was it installed
am i blind

the one under AMD
go to it
and find riot vanguard
'riot vanguard' ?
now u found it?

ok put this one

the middle one

now tick it
i did it
ok now save it
and go to your desktop
right click on valorant
and run it as administrator
if u hv it ticked then let it be
now try to launch ur val again
y i get error code van 84
create a separate post pls

i try to reboot my computer
tell us if it works or not later
create ur post then tag it here
it's still this

i can wait more if needed
can u open ur task manager
and look for this

make sure u expand it
what does it show
oh wait

so your val is responding
but it doesnt load
yea i guess
hv u tried reset ur network
i can try now
dyk how
just right click on your network on ur taskbar
then look for settings
then scroll till i found reset network
then click on it
now restart
if it still doesnt work try this

just reinstall instead
tbh how does deleting that even work lmao
thats so weird
but like lots of ppl say it worked
yeah ur very last straw is to reinstall the whole thing
i already reinstalled before making this post
how did you came to a conclusion that deleting manifest file would work out
@Talonted Gamer oh lmao
i will try to delete the thing
cus i once encountered it
and i experience it 3 times a week
still doesnt work 🫥
repair the valo from the riot client
then ping me
@Talonted Gamer

how do we understand that
now do you have router or youre on hotspot?
fixed it
reboot it once
Okay I rebooted my modem, and launch valorant, but still get the loading screen 🙃
it rlly dont load?
even if u wait like 10 minutes?
the thing is ur loading screen didnt show "riot games" logo and text
if it loads and ure actually getting into the game it would show up
next to clove
When I click on Valorant, it opens the riot client where I need to click on play

my val is like that too
after it opens the loading screen

i can wait 10 more minutes
but i dont hear the sound when i open it
like the quick sound when u launch val right
exactly ur val aint even loading
yea that sound i cant hear it :/
im still on the same loading picture even if i wait
hv u always been logged in on ur acc
on ur riot client
no i put my password everytime
keep urself logged in
then relaunch
I'm tired, I'll try again tomorrow when I wake up... Sorry for the inconvenience. Maybe I will try to reset completely my computer and try after idk if that can work
ight, gn