Valorant low fps and ping issue??!!
Every time i try and q into deathmatch i just sit in the screen where it shows all of the agents
Then if/ when i do get in, the moment i get close to another player my ping spikes up to 1k+. Before the round has begun my ping is totally normal then as soon as the round starts im over 1000 ping.
Ive restarted my pc, uninstalled riot, val, around 5 times now im about to factory reset my PC because I am not making any progress
22 Replies
is ur internet alright?
yeah it is
i got 950 up and down
is it just valorant?
every other game operates fine
its just valorant
if it's 1k+ normally it wouldn't just be something wrong with ur pc or ur internet
youd be suprised to hear it is just valorant

is your computer overheating or smth????

1k+ is not normal
ive tried everything
i even facotry reset the entire pc
my pc works like its brand new minus the fact valorant doesnt wanna work
u got smth downloading or operating in te ebackround?
i checked task manager too
closed everything besides the mandatroy applications
turned my graphics all the wya down u name it i done it
riot told me stuf to do wtc but nothing worked so i think i js have to wait till next patch and hope it works (whenever that will be 💀 )
you can only get 1k+ ping if something operating in the backround or ur internet
(ignore the 57 tabs of chrome im doing hw rn) but this is what my task manager usually looks like by default

when i play valorant i close things like battle net
and still get the issue
is every riot client 32bit
if it was ur pc wouldn't it affect other games aswell?
it cant be my pc because it doesnt effect other games
I tried fortnite, roblox, overwatch, fifa and they work fine
r u in the right region?
yep EU, London
i tried other servers js to make sure still wont work