Ping Issue N virginia?
Hi everyone, I noticed it 2 days ago. that when I played on the N Virginia servs before I had 25 ping and now 70 and 40 in Illinois does anyone have a reason or solution?
24 Replies
What is your ISP?
My friend got the same issue with other supplier
What's your ISP
from Quebec Cogeco
Answer the following questions:
Who is your ISP?
What country do you play from?
What server do you play on?
Canada normally N virginia and my ISP it’s cogeco
@Del Bringo
I'm having the same issue as well. Normally get 25-30 ping to the North Virginia server, now getting 55-60 ping. ISP is Bell
also having this issue im with Rogers and ever since the patch my ping has been at 70 + when normally its at 30 - 40
my ping went back to noirmal after i downloaded the warp app thing
you could try that
Now I play in Illinois and the people are so trash help me
try warp man
Send the link
ill dm u ut
Happened to me a while ago, the pings were reversed. ie nearest server had highest ping, restart wifi etc..
Already did it’s not my internet but the server
wait it out ig?
wait because this happened to me yesterday i had better ping in virginia and now after not loading into a swift play i have better ping in georgia

and now this is my ping??? like im so confused i dont share accounts with anyone (and its acting like my ping is completely normal in range)
The new update broke the game
oof, I see the Cogeco problem, adding it to the list.
Thanks ❤️