No secure boot or T.P.M 2.0
I wanna play valorant but uhm I downloaded windows 11 from a CD cuz my pc doesn't have TPM 2.0 or secure boot
Now I have 2 options
I can switch back to windows 10 or I can wait for 8-10 months till I buy a new cpu and motherboard
What should I choose?
10 Replies
My game doesn't even open
When ever I try to it doesn't let me cuz I don't have TPM 2.0
Probably switch back man
if you switch back TPM 2.0 is still required
Pretty sure it isn't
nah it still require

already do what the support told but still require TPM 2.0
That's sad
Well no valorant for me then
the only hope we can do is when Van lift their TPM restriction
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