so confused about this??
so i am currently on a 1080p laptop and have not played this game ina while. but i feel like i remember these crosshairs looking bigger than this on my screen. i at one point got a 16:10 aspect ratio with 2560 x 1600 res but returned it. during using that laptop i had to make all my old crosshairs alot bigger in settings ( like 1 4 2 0 to 1 5 3 0 etc) just for them to look like my normal 1 4 2 2 on my screen (i think it was cuz of the res maybe). im not sure if this is that issue again where its really small with common crosshair codes or if im going crazy after playing OW and not val for a while. is it this small on ur screens with this config 1080p??

9 Replies

It looks bigger in the ss kinda
Nope those look fine
Do yk how to fix the crosshair shrinking on 1440p monitor?
Or does it also do that on laptops or 16:10 ratios
Your crosshair isn't actually shrinking
This one may not be it might jus be my head
But on the 2560 x 1600 laptop it did shrink a lot
High res can make the crosshair smaller I think because it’s less blurry
Yes that is what I meant
Sorry somebody messaged me so I didn't get to finish
Does it do that with a 1440p monitor compared to a 1080p one aswell? Because I’m gonna get one soon
Or just a a really high red laptop cuz the screen is a lot smaller
It changes when the amount of pixels increases