What are the english servers in europe?
Well? That's all?
Solution:Jump to solution
What am I supposed to do asked twice.
Response: Something that I shouldn't do ... Doesn't people get the difference between do and don't?.. Welp, I give up with you people, have wasted enough of my time with nonsense....
85 Replies
Right now I have to work it seems, just got a notification.
Once I am done then I'll be trying it out. 👏
Am indeed done with these chinese fools.
I was only playing with Bulldog, wanted to try the skin out that I just had purchased.

The only thing that these chinese scrubs knew of in english was "Shut up" telling me to stop asking them to help me in B. 💀
Oh well, back to work on my end.
Finally played and nope, I asked for my team to help once again as both our Kayo and water-dude had four kills each after 11 rounds and all they and as I was begging for them to help, they just ear-rape screamed spamming chinese and then I was muted?
London being english? I WISH!! 🤣🤣🤣
i mean
my london is english
I guess there is no english server in europe huh? Damned abominable game without any damned concept...
Actually makes me cry having to deal with these chinese russian freaks who are only there to ruin my day.
So how do I refund my entire account?
Or at least the things that I purchased today.
... Or perhaps I should truly just mute voice-chat all together.
Aah its u once again
just dont play the game at at this point
Yes ofc it's me once again, it's you once again as well?
I am always here
On the other hand
And I am not?
U come here to show us ur skill issue
My skill issue?

If finding a team that will help is a skill-issue then indeed.
skill issue to deal with the game and your teammates apparently
Why should I have to deal with my team constantly ear-raping?
I just then decide to turn off voice-chat.
whats the problem tho
Deal with the game? I am the only one in my team (apart from Kaiju this time) who deals with this game.
My problem is that I should have been gold one by now if my team didn't just scream SHEIURHERIUSHDJFAHERASER 24/7.
just get friends to play with
no need to cry about the "english servers" or your teammates
if you dont rank up over a certain period of time, your are the biggest factor holding you back
I wish that I could, but everyone I find here are russian and those of my own country have hopped over to CounterStrike at this point.
its as simple as that
I truly wish that it was that simple.
it is
But in every game that I have played, I have been either the second or top player of my team.
I have always just had a chinese russian constantly begging me for skins and then throwing the match once I deny.
mhm yeah

What of that?
youre lying
How am I lying?
quote: But in every game that I have played, I have been either the second or top player of my team.
Just showing what characters I have picked and the score of each match.

still here?
Alrighty, recording made.
Soon I'll be posting mine.
but... you still lied about it anyways
tracker doesnt lie
And tracker says what?
that you dont top or second frag every single match you play
So my career is lying somehow?
your tracker is your career literally
Well it says there that my combat-score is second-fragger of my team every one of these last rounds.
So how am I not second fragger of my team?
these last 5 matches yes
Well of course these last five matches, I improve with each match?
Don't you?
this, as an example, isnt second fragger

no i dont, im hardstuck with my own skill issue
that im not crying about btw
If you are going to scroll down to when I first started this game and then assume that I am a professional THEN YOU'RE WASTING MY TIME!
im wasting your time then lmao
you could have won a whole match during this pointless convo
Of course, all of you people are... Always trying to pick on me, why does support-channels even exist if I am never getting any support from them? Oh well.
if you dont come with a real problem you cant get a real answer
My real problem is trying to find an english team.
And not a permanent team at that, just join an english server is all.
just play on london then lmao
9/10 teams on london are fluent in english
Well all they scream in London is (what I just tried to spell out).
so your problem is that you cant find a team that speaks english on london servers?
Can't find a single player speaking english in London.
maybe its the games way to tell you that you shouldnt play
So I am supposed to do what then?
not play the game -> no problem
So I am supposed to do what then?
dont play the game at all
or just learn your teams language :Okayge:
What am I supposed to do asked twice.
Response: Something that I shouldn't do ... Doesn't people get the difference between do and don't?.. Welp, I give up with you people, have wasted enough of my time with nonsense.
@jidat new braindamage on my end here
What am I supposed to do asked twice.
Response: Something that I shouldn't do ... Doesn't people get the difference between do and don't?.. Welp, I give up with you people, have wasted enough of my time with nonsense.
I am already braindead at this point.
proceeds to do what i responded

Only because of a friend joining in, once he is gone then I am back to Valorant.
Now, hopefully you'll have something better by then, or better for us both... Leave me ALONE!
just dont respond to me then
How do I tell you to leave me alone if I don't message it to you? Oh well.
Is there any way to kick someone out of a ticket btw?
keeps on writing
no lol its public
Darn, oh well. Could you leave then?
maybe maybe not idk, not sure yet
Ofc you aren't, too ignorant to make such a decision.
womp womp
As you even mention having wasted pointless time here.