how did i die here?

As u can see i took 80 dmg here and had full health and shields, so how did i die? I wasnt vulnerable eigther, this happened multiple times throughout this game.
8 Replies
1ts.Navid10mo ago
Skill issue get better aim aimlab is free aim training exists
DiamondGamerOP10mo ago
bro who is you :val_KEKW: :val_KEKW: :val_KEKW:, go fix your insecurities then come back lolol. Anyways, anyone who can provide some insight to this issue is invited to reply.
Orx321910mo ago
it says Jett killed you but she did 0 damage which means she might be hacking. That or clove on their team got very lucky multiple times and vulnerabled you at the excact moment you got shot not sure really
DiamondGamerOP10mo ago
cant be the clove, even if the timing was possible, the decay orbs visual would be seen atleast after i died. I should probably make a ticket with valorants official support.
ive10mo ago
likely a visual bug, killfeed shows jett killed you with a headshot
adept9mo ago
what rank are you lil bro
bruh9mo ago
wait for a bit it shows up on that combat report , sometimes theres delay for some reason , i've experienced this too
i am not sure but it might happened because enemy's damage didnt load or smt. i had the same problem once about 8 months ago but i didnt care much

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