pc keeps freezing when launching valorant
my pc keeps freezing when i launch valorant. its like 1 time at a day.
only freezes when launching valorant
143 Replies
It sounds like your PC might have an issue with system resources or conflicts when launching VALORANT. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot:
1. Update Drivers: Ensure your graphics card drivers and Windows updates are up to date.
2. Check System Requirements: Make sure your PC meets the minimum requirements for VALORANT.
3. Task Manager: Open Task Manager before launching VALORANT to monitor CPU and memory usage. See if any other application is using excessive resources.
4. Close Background Applications: Close any unnecessary applications running in the background to free up system resources.
5. Run as Administrator: Try running VALORANT as an administrator.
6. Vanguard: Make sure Riot Vanguard is properly installed and running. Consider reinstalling it if there are issues.
7. Disk Check: Ensure your disk isn’t full or has errors by running a disk check.
8. Reinstall VALORANT: If none of the above work, try reinstalling both Riot Vanguard and VALORANT.
i dont have installed newest drivers
so i will check
requierements is not the problem i think because i have i7 with 3060
i have polish task manager but heres my cpu and memory usage normally

u replied to an ai
reinstall ur vanguard
since u got no prob with specs
By freezing does it fix itself when the game is fully launched?
like its just freezes the screen but only mouse works
then about 30 seconds every sound stops working
i hear valorant lobby sound
I see
Ome sec
it now happened again like 2 minutes ago
needed to hold power button to turn off my pc
i checked reddit and other like things
some guys having the same problem
with vanguard i dont see any problem
having the game since last summer
When this happens again what I want you to do
it started like about 4-5 days ago
Is try pressing the caps lock key
Certain keyboards have a light indicate that the caps lock is on
my have
If you press it and that light does not turn on it means your PC has crashed
If that happens, Let me know
i will tell
what timezone do you have because idk if you will be online
i have cest timezone
its 2:29 PM rn
8:30 pm
now i launched and it works
this is happening to me as well
the exact same thing
freezes only once
gotta shut my entire laptop down
like it seems to be 1-2 times in a day
then when i open it again its fine
mine too
but sometimes when im trying to open it, itll just turn black
idk if its my computer or valorant
like all screen
even mouse
and when it freezes i can move my mouse but not press anything
mine too
for me when screen turns black
its not a monitor problem
yeah it’s just valorant
it’s so weird
because when i press a menu button on my montor its working
i have issues with nothing else
when i dont launch valorangt\
no issues
only lauching valorant
yeah i made a post the other day and nobody helped me so i just have been dealing with it on my own
even checked reddit posts and they have like a similar problem
you’re the first person i’ve seen have the same issue
i try to just make this like it a normal thing
just to not focus abt this
yeah i think its something wrong with the game they need to fix
If you wouldn't mind following the instructions I sent a little bit earlier
it just opened fine but when i tried ealier it froze
but it so frustrating so i need help
There are a lot of posts created so some of them do get missed
well we cant if its not freezing
cuz its fine now
i will do this abt tommorow
it only does it when i first get on each day
like 10-12 am cest
or like when really long turned off pc
yeah if i close the game and get back on its fine
i have since last crash turned off pc for like 4-5 hours
but i noticed i turned my computer off for maybe an hour or two and it was fine
didnt freeze when reopened
mine too when its 1-2 hours
i will say when my pc crash again
and btw i dont have drivers up to date
idk where
i will now playtest on swift to check if everythings ok
if you have an nvidia card update with geforce experience, and for other stuff to do device manager and computer, right click the first dropdown and update driver
then go to proccessers and update driver
dont have geforce experience
open task manager and see what video card you have
it will say GPU 1 or GPU 0
i have polish

so idk
playtested 2 games and everything work normally
so u hv tried reinstalling it?
oh one more
since u said this started like4-5 days ago
nvidia new geforce experience latest update might be the issue
revert it
someone reported it to nvidia and they said theres a problem with it
Dodatkowo have updated drivers so idk
Sorry autocorrect
No but I have it installed without any problems for about 11 months
nvidia geforce experience not your nvidia drivers
I dont have geforce expierience
Download GeForce Experience | NVIDIA
GeForce Experience automatically notifies you of driver updates and installs with one click, ensuring you always have the latest NVIDIA drivers and PC game settings.
I Think i have
I will check today
i have geforce
its installing ig?
or updating
do i need to log in?
i think geforce its not the case
its first time ever launching it on my pc
my specs if needed:

i need to change my resolution on every game
geforce experience pixelized fortnite bruhh

i need to play on the best graphics
ok i fixed fortnite
because valorant crashing now my fortnite got broken because geforce
fortnite is lagging
why tf would geforce makes ur fortnite lag
it barely do anything
It Just destroyed fortnite
but u can launch it??
ima say it ur pc are so problematic LOL
i forgot to update my drivers before i got on val but i just updated them so we will see tmrw if it freezes
I know fr
@1ntel u still having this issue?
ping if u are
i will check maybe today
i was not launching valorant since 2 days
mine is 😭
i updated my drivers yesterday and i just tried and it froze
load the game
and when u get on the black screen
try pressing f11
mines not doing black screen
well sometimes it does
whats it doing
but the first time i open it each day it freezes
and i gotta turn it off by the button
if launch
i have upd
maybe that upd fixed
geforce i think
destroyed my screen brightness bec i turn on fullscreen in minecraft
how's your val doing?
fixed i think
launched today without problem
but geforce experience made problems with other games
what is it
is it the brightness u were talking abt or sumn else
fortnite got pixelized (fixed), after fullscreening minecraft lower brightness like idk
um hv u tried checking minecraft ingame settings?
and i think its because geforce experience bec after downloaded it it just "optimalized" my games
if not try set it up from geforce, look for minecraft
you can set it up by yourself from there
its turning down brightness of my computer
not only minecraft
even better then
go to nvidia control panel
then look for video image thingy
that where is with right click?
increase your brightness
search it on windows search

dayum i cant read this
under video
first or second
the one which got brightness option
lmao just click, it wont do anything

if u see brightness then youre on the right one
try the other one

bro u understand it right
what does it say
like when it lowered brightness
i needed to go to windows settings
and hdr brightness
and again clicked 50
and fix

look for this kind of
oh shi
thats so low quality lmfao
ight better one

found it
adjust the brightness

then apply
1:1 settings

i have like this always
oh for digital vibrance
if you want your game to be colorful
that depends on you
i want like normal
yeah yeah just saying
with just hdr on
i have turned on hdr
ok nc
will check maybe later
now gonna play fivem
so yeah
@Saucywan problem not fixed
At match Point freezed
Caps lock workes
mines still doing it too
Can you use win+d to show desktop?
gonna check later
hey guys I have the same frozing issue
I don't know what to do
Now its like the alt+tab freeze problem
Didnt have any launching problems
today freezed with alt+tab and checked caps and win+d
caps works
win+d dont
There’s a fix on Reddit
I used to freeze all the time during games but I had to turn off Game-Acceleration
i just opened for the first time today and it didnt freeze
i installed medal it was working better before but i fixed that problem recently and i dont know if its back or not but my spike in ping mid game i usally run like maybe 16-17 some gays 32-33 itll go a lil higher sometimes but idk whats causing it ?? i played in georgia servers for a friend n i was lagging worse there but that lag came with me to texas server what do i do? is something wrong with my settings?
Same exact thing has been happening to me for a month now
what do I do?
idek what i did it just stopped randomally
nvm i just opened it and it froze
so idk
i so weird
i think i fixed the alt tab problem
just set fullscreen in window