New PC, VAN9003
got a new PC, idk how to fix this. looks like no "update and security option" and somethign else comes up if i type recovery. but in the BIOS i have TPM set as AUTO.

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Yeah throw links at them
its simple fix bro 💀
ion wanna hear it
What a lovely community we have
U know the bios is different for different people right?
If the bios mode is in UEFI then windows IS IN GPT
No questions
its still all in roughly the same spot
Not rly
99% of the time
Not rly lol
bro is just trying to help lol
and you didn't even provide help afterwords
this dude has a gigabyte motherboard
its basically the same process
but just needs to look for its way out and search it on google too
matter fact its even easier to enable it on gigabyte motherboard than msi
People get too serious these days smh
Link didn't help me. I have a few options for TPM and I don't know which to choose. Apart from auto and disable, there are three more options I can choose from. There's pluton, asp, and I forget the last one
This is why i always encourage to guide people by urself
Get into the bios
Use ur phone to chat here

Tsme , right
Nvm, here you go

Change secure boot mode to custom
Then restore factory keys
Then save and exit
seems to have done it, thank you.