13 Replies
i just found out im right eye dominant and always been playing on right hand
i saw that like 70% of the people are right eye dominant but i almost never see good players using left hand
is it just not important?
Some people just feel weird with left hand
Also idk the science behind it
Should just be personal preference
it's not because either of ur eyes r dominant
it's just that ur hand is in the right angle that only one of ur eyes see it centred
so if u move ur hand in the right direction you'll see it centred in either of ur eyes
you just coincidentally centre it in the right eye
i can see it centred with both of me eyes
the object
when i close my left eye i see it the same but when i close my right eye i can't see the objest at all
I play left hand at first it feels weird
But you’ll start getting used to it
will it really make a difference tho
swapping bc im right eye dominant
Just try it for a week or smth
Now when I switch to right hand it feels weird to me
i don't really see a point in switching if it will have no impact
It’ll probably improve your reaction time by like 0.1 milliseconds considering ur right eye dominant so you don’t wanna ur gun to block ur dominat eye
that's cuz ur hand is in front of ur right eye
Im left eye dominant what do i do
Im special
Keep it right hand
Anything else that’ll help