89 Replies
you need to enable secure boot in your BIOS settings
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
1 sec
Make ur own post please.
now ?
Restart ur pc and spam the F2 key as its starting to get into the bios. Use ur phone to chat here.
ok 1 min
do i need to update bios ?
i have new laptop so i am concerned
It will be fine dw
Can I DM U bout van 1067?

What are u trying to do?
trying to close vanguard
cause i am restarting
or i have to leave it like this only
But why closing vanguard?
so that it does not consumes my battery
Not like it matters, but still why are u closing vanguard
lol idk what to do
ok i am retstarting
1 min
Never have i heard of anything like that lmao
Also why don't u have ur charger connected
Connect ur charger when inside the bios
@jidat when do I have to press f2 while restart ?
ok doing
Just start clicking it continuously the moment it begins to start
I have to go for now
@Saucywan wakey wakey :val_HelloBro:
don't go in mid
I will get stuck
what to do
Saucy will help u
I will
i a restarting
Yea u will :val_HelloBro:

now what to do
I am on bios
Press more settings

Go to security

I'm just checking something
Go to boot

do I need to turn on the charger ?
I'm trying to find where secure boot is in your bios
It should be in security

i scrolled down
i found it
Press enter on restore factory keys
you sure ?
I have my data on this laptop?
what will it do to my laptop btw ?
just concerned because it's new
Exactly what the name suggests
It resets the secure boot keys to default
idk what it is
The reason why we need to do this is because there are currently no key is set
I just want everything to be fine running smoothly
ok doing

Press yes
Save and exit
Once you're inside of windows
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
Dawg how

You can now play Valorant
oh wow really
@Saucywan you seem to be a knowledgeable person can you help me with one more small thing ?
in my Lenovo vantage gaming software it shows that I am on IGPU mode
but in task manager and device manager it shows my DGPU on
and when I try to off dgpu through Lenovo vantage gaming software nothing happens
and my DGPU is on from 3-4 days
what to do
@Saucywan Can you help me with smth please?
i know i can manually turn it off in device manager but why does Lenovo vantage not working
Your cpu has a built in gpu
That's why it's using it
For high priority tasks it will use your dedicated GPU
You can change what it uses within windows game mode
where is it

With in settings

so this means Lenovo vantage software has no permission to turn on offf dgpu ?
but when I purchased my laptop it was working fine 2-3 days back
You see val at the bottom
click it
it will show option
in options
choose High performance
Why do you want to turn off your dedicated gpu?
Can you help me with an issue I have?
Have you made your own post?
because earlier i was able to switch between igpu and dgpu
i used to on dgpu while gaming and turn it off
And your dedicated GPU won't be in use if no high performance task is not running

i just played the first match
i was reciving 300+ fps
and laptop was heating as hell
is it normal ?

thanks for the help
one more thing do i need to exit vanguard before shutting down ?
