VALORANT10mo ago

VAL 164 hour penalty on comp

I open Valorant one day and greeted with the new battle pass and other stuff knowing I have a rank reset I open comp to get my placement but when I click comp it says I have a 164 hour penalty. It went away and I click comp to get my rank yet again it gives me a 164 hour penalty. I didn't even play comp or get penaltys for any other mode please help.
3 Replies
Saucywan10mo ago
You can get penalties even though you don't play competitive You can get penalties based on toxicity, team killing, afking, etc
LukeOP10mo ago
yeah but i didnt play before i got the penalty i hit the comp tab and it gave me a penalty it happened twice now
Saucywan10mo ago
You can ask for the reason of the ban through riot support but there is no way to help any further you got banned just wait it out https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

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