Should i ask riot about how many days left before I receive my requested data becuz i forgot
hey guys i have a question about suport pls, so i submited a data request like 3 weeks ago but i forgot when exactly and id like to know how many days are left exactly and if my data request is still on its way and not expired or smthg cuz i dndt change any account information since i submited it should i send a ticket to riot to ask them will this change anything?
62 Replies
or just how do i check if my data request is still valid and will send my data when 30days are completed
just check ur email if they have sent u a email regarding the data request
just wait i guess. if the 30 days are over, they will send it automatically
if not then consider asking them
what kind of mail
incoming mail
cuz i deleted my mails due to storage saturation recently
from riot
u prob deleted it
isnt ther suposed to be a ticket history for the acc?
i checked it and dndt find the data request i submited
is it possible to submit 2 data requests at once for 2 account in 1 mail
if not i could data request for an acc
and see if it lets me or no

idk, let me check if i see mine
where do i even find all of my tickets :hmm:
nvm got it
i asked for my account data in october 23. this one is listed in my tickets:
*Greetings, human! I am Blitzcrank-Bot and I received your request for account details. For added security, we retain the request for 30 days. After this time, I will send you a reply to this email with an attachment of all your information.
If you respond to this ticket or click the button below, it will be forwarded to a human, but this may delay the request. If you have any questions or concerns, I encourage you to send us a new ticket. The request will also be canceled if you change your email address or password during this time. If you want to start another request, you have to wait 30 days.

i dont rememeber such
but i remeber
a suport telling me
that my request is working
and that i had to wait 30days
cuz i replyed to the bot
wait then :Okayge:
am affraid it might not be working or smthg
and i wanna know
how many days left
are you sure there isnt a support ticket opened? and you can see the ticket where the support told you that the request is working? just look when you opened the ticket for the request and count about 30-32 days from there
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
then top left

I think i know whats the matter
it doesnt show
the tickets from the accounts
but from
the emails
huh wait
then why dont i see
my request
but wait until the 30 days are 100% over. if you didnt recieve your data till then, just open another and ask
this is so frustrating omg
wait until they actually send it to you and you see how many people reported you for all of the given reasons :2_PepeLaugh:
this was mine (oct/nov 23)

report ?
you can see a count of every single reason people can report you. i got reported for being afk 11 times in total
that coms with the data?
btw how does the data com
in a txt or
direclty in mail
or what
i think it was a zip folder you need to download. theres a couple things in there. including general data about the account, LoL, (tft?) and valorant too
i have a question btw
my acc i am requesting data for
got suspended
and i forgot infos n stuff for tickets
so i asked for data
i was playing when i got loged out
and a message saying an account loged in my device did somthg against the rules or idk what
i dont know what that was at all
as i never cheated or anything
section 7 error/ban message?
could it be an error
lemme check

similar yeah
why u got it??
if i remember correctly section 7 is about account sharing and similar
oh f
no lol, just searched "section 7" in all the other posts
i never have been queue banned
ye i think thats the reason
u think its appealable?
@GenZ (walking ult orb) ?
section 7 is a bit longer and includes various reasons.
also error code 5 (which you got) doesnt have a better solution than "log out from all devices". you should probably change password too.
you can always try to appeal i guess

source for first pic:
Riot Games
Terms of Service
it is loged out of all devices but mine
if i change pass it will stop the data reuqest
what if i do the
"logout everywher"
in settings
thats the one suggested. it just logs out. you can log in again. dont do it if you already forgot your log in data lol
wdym login data
like user and pass?
it says if u live in usa
@GenZ (walking ult orb)

i think
i tried to data request another acc
22 days ago
and it said that
means it is working isnt it?
should be a week left from receiving data
do u think
it is appealable
like what excuse should i pull up
just wait
like when i will appeal
will they just accept?
wont they ask me questions
about the fact it got loged in multiple devices?
like i got more chances to get unsuspended or to get rejected? knowing ill have full data to provide so that shouldnt be the issue
is acc sharing def ban or appealable
i gotta
stop overthincking
cuz i cant do nun bout it anyway
wait and pray
Account sharing is Bannable
I wasnt account sharing its that i loged in multiple devices
I often travel sities cuz am in vacations
And go to those
Cyber cofees
And often not use the same pc in ther
How can i explain that to them
oh wait omg
u are a support
maybe could u help me with this pls?
noone here is (official) support
I’m not here to help with ur problems but i have a question what’s a data request (I’m new)
support once said this: (translated from german to english)
Your summoner name, username and server
The phone number associated with your account
Your registered date of birth
All report history, including reports created and received over the last 3 months (or the last 100 games if you played more than that in the last 3 months)
Chat logs from the last 3 months (or the last 100 games if you played more than that in the last 3 months)
Login history for the last 3 months
Player support ticket history
Account modifications for the last 3 months
All shop transactions (skins, champions, etc.)
All Cash Purchases (RP)