
Chat why?

im sick of this
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8 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent2mo ago
It looks like you're concerned about your performance in the Deathmatch on Icebox that took place on May 31. Here are some tips to improve: 1. Aim Practice: Spend some time in the Aim Lab or other aim training software to improve your accuracy. 2. Crosshair Placement: Keep your crosshair at head level to get better headshots. 3. Movement: Learn to strafe properly, and avoid running out in the open. 4. Match Analysis: Review your matches to understand what you did wrong and right. 5. Warm-Up: Do a quick warm-up before jumping into ranked or Deathmatch games. 6. Competitive Sensitivity: Find a mouse sensitivity that allows you to aim accurately but react quickly. Check out YouTube guides or VALORANT coaching resources for in-depth tips from experienced players.
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Geniux2mo ago
deathmatches dont have any matchmaking
skiddo2mo ago
thats not a bad thing bro you get practice on players above your skill level you will improve faster
Selim2mo ago
true saying but repeatedly gets a bit annoying man
skiddo2mo ago
dont think of deathmatch as a game mode think of it as practice you are playing to improve not too win you cant overcome a obsticle that isnt present,
Selim2mo ago
Yeah bro i get that but sometimes i need that lil boost of confidence, how am i doing today to run into comp games not get shit on then run up a comp game lol ygm
skiddo2mo ago
don’t fear comp brother make comp fear you
Selim2mo ago
hahahah my guy 😉