Help Asap this us my main account
I press a link and enter my account then someone change my account to his/her, and it disabled my two verification.

49 Replies
you need to recover your account as most of your details are probably changed
i already submit a ticket but still i get nervous since this is my main account
1. Go to the riot support website
2. Scroll until you see "Account Management" and Click on "Recover your account"
3. Scroll until you see "Account recovery" and Click on "Automated Recovery Tool"
From here you will answer questions about your account personal details so they can make sure you're the creator of the account recovering it
Here's an alternative option:
1. Go to the riot support website like last time
2. Scroll until you see "Our Games" and Click on "Valorant"
3. Scroll until you see "Can't find what you're looking for?" and Click on "/ Submit a ticket"
4. Choose a request type (Recover my account) and answer everything from there
wow i wrote all that for nothing
don't worry, as long as you know the answer to the questions they ask you
you will most likely get the account back, if the person spent vp/radiante points or anything you can contact them to give you back your vp/rollback. unfortunately stuff like comp games can't be rolled back
Still i want my account back 😭
thank you so much for that information tho!
it really helps me, tysm.
no worries
and you'll probably get it back, i've had accounts stolen before and got them back at ease
just have patience!
Tysm 🫶
exact same thing happened to me
gained access back
as soon as i did i got the emails again
are you still logged out of your account?
Please use the command
is there any other ; i need to know of
but is there
changed the email to a different one, changed the pass, signed out on all, etc.
they haven't gotten in again yet however they have played like 8 comp games while cheating
you're confusing me
When you say they played 8 games you mean from before or recently? Cause you just said they have gotten in
b4 i did all that shit they played those games
and apparently im an idiot bc they're still on
So you recovered your account but they got back on?
idk what to do
Have you enabled 2fa
gets disabled by them everything's
If they can disable it they might have access to your email account
To view 2fa code
changed the pass to that too
assuming they have some sort of backdoor
Sounds like a virus
They also might be on your pc
Would definitely run an anti virus scan
which is what a backdoor is
ran many from many different providers
no detections
Have you checked for any malicious activities besides valorant
malwarebytes, windows defender, etc
yea, can't find anything other than valorant though
all my other accounts seem to be fine
when did this first start happening and how did it happen
do you know how they got access?
e.g. did you download anything directly from someone etc
i have no idea how they got access
didn't download anything from someone directly
i figured out it started happening when i couldn't log in
then checked all my shit and now im here
last i played was 3-4 days ago
Let's assume they got access within those 4 days
Can you recall doing anything within that time?
Anything which can lead up to a virus
not really
just played cs tbh
the malware also might be designed to evade detection
keep note of that
i mean all malware does that lol
im gonna reset windows asap
but for now what can i do to keep them out
Contact riot and lock your account
ive contacted but how do you lock an account?
idk not sure if you can through settings
so just contact riot and explain your issue to them and ask them to lock it for you, can't guarantee they will but try
create another forum for this incident too and someone more experienced will come to your aid probably, not familiar with viruses/malware
Riot will have to do that
support seems to be down rn
ill check back later and ask them to lock it
thanks for the help tho
What do you mean?
i can't get on it

Seems like your network is being blocked
You also have cookies blocked
i got in
the ticket i submitted earlier is just gone
submitted a new one