same settings same sens same mouse same pc but diffrent acc and diff sens

so ill make this short im having an issue i made sure same settings are in both accs but my old one just feels way smoother and its easier to land shots in there but the new one feels like way way way worse and its not a skin related issue where skins might make me feel diff not thats not the case and thats it i tried changing network buffering messed around w it for a bit it felt nicer but still not as good as the old acc
5 Replies
O Rose thou art sick
damn no answers
! noobynoob
! noobynoob10mo ago
make sure the settings are the same
O Rose thou art sick
made sure everything is identical even the crosshair i searched up the issue on google and found lotta old reddit posts about it of people having same issue and found no fix yet
Dan10mo ago
yh man i aint here to help you but when i used to play i would be crappy on main account on a new account it just feltt smoother af
O Rose thou art sick
for me its the opposite

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