VALORANTβ€’12mo ago

Valorant Permanent Ban - Possibly for Using "OP Autoclicker"

!UPDATE! - UNBANNED Hey everyone, I recently received a permanent ban from Valorant, including both account suspension and a Hardware ID ban. During a game with a friend, my parents urgently needed my assistance. Concerned about getting penalized for being AFK, I quickly improvised and attempted to use an autoclicker (specifically the OP autoclicker from SourceForge) to simulate clicking in-game while I was away. However, it didn't work (it wasn't clicking in-game), so I promptly disabled it. After that, I placed a desk lamp on my keyboard's "S" and "W" keys to keep my character moving in-game. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, and I didn't realize it could violate any rules. Upon returning to my computer, I discovered that my account had been permanently suspended. Confused and shocked, I reached out to Valorant support to understand what had happened and to request the unbanning of my account. As of now, there's been no response. Unfortunately, I didn't realize at the time that using an autoclicker might be against the game's policies. It was a mistake on my part, born out of ignorance and desperation to avoid getting an AFK ban. In my ticket to Valorant support, I included logs gathered using the Riot repair tool. Losing access to Valorant permanently over a misunderstanding is truly disheartening. I love the game and the community, and the thought of not being able to play again is incredibly upsetting. My Valorant Account: Bugatti Peek#haha You can check my Valorant tracker and see my stats from the last games. Cheater's stats wouldn't ever be this bad. I also have one clip from my last game [https://youtu.be/yz5GdHnjDD8]. You can clearly see that I am not using any cheats. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I appreciate any support or advice you may have.
Valorant ban appeal
Subscribe Discord: NovikTF#4014
49 Replies
meβ€’12mo ago
Unfortunately no one on this server can help you with an in game suspension. As you've attempted already, the only think you can do is can ask Riot about it here https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003537994 But since the software you used can only be used to disrupt matches, it's unlikely they'll do anything to help you. Riot has been fighting afkers for a bit.
NovikTFOPβ€’12mo ago
I agree that I should't have used the autoclicker, but a permament suspension and a hardware ID ban for that seems like too much, while the autoclicker didnt even work. Plus half of my games is filled with afkers and trolls.
meβ€’12mo ago
This is how they try to fix the problem with afkers and trolls.
NovikTFOPβ€’12mo ago
No, this are the punishments for AFK and leaving. You can’t get permanentny banned for that.
No description
meβ€’12mo ago
Sadly, Riot can permanently ban you for any reason. You should really discuss this with them.
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’12mo ago
I didn't even use that auto click thing and still I got banned 🀣🀣🀣
NovikTFOPβ€’12mo ago
I did appeal a day ago. For now on there is no response. But the bot told me that they typically replay within 3-4 days and with more complex appeals up to a week I am sorry to hear that. I hope you can get unbanned
Bradleyβ€’12mo ago
Autoclicker / triggerbot is against the tos
Aesphoβ€’12mo ago
Autoclickers r very different from triggerbot lol
Bradleyβ€’12mo ago
Hence no unban will be given to you as they are really strict
Aesphoβ€’12mo ago
U cant compare the 2 Autoclickers just spam click while triggerbot literally is a cheat, autoclickers dont do anything in val as every gun has a set fire rate U rly cant compare the 2
Bradleyβ€’12mo ago
It's still against the tos anyways
Aesphoβ€’12mo ago
Well thats why he can just contact support and see what happens Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
Bradleyβ€’12mo ago
Gl to him
Aesphoβ€’12mo ago
Auto clickers arent necessarily against tos but riot detects it as a bannable 3rd party So yea
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’12mo ago
if ur enemy had high ping u can do something agains triggers ( i had enemies with trigger and max speed runing against them can make their spray control fucked and equals winning xD ) that was fun experiment im havent use anyoneeeeeee why meeeeee thennnnnnn i dont need cheats im on high elos WHY me then πŸ™‚
Aesphoβ€’12mo ago
What rank r u, and I find cheaters in immo-rad so elo doesnt matter Triggerbots shoot the moment an opponent enters their crosshair, running and gunning doesnt do anything unless they r toggled off or arent aiming at u
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’12mo ago
Peak immo 1 d3 rn got banned on rank up match i meant i dont need those bec im not that much desperate
Aesphoβ€’12mo ago
Ehhh not rly high elo but yea i get ur point, above average. Contact riot support to appeal ur ban ig
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’12mo ago
aizu if ur enemy had bad ping like 120+ u can pass it because it shoots late and if u had reaction time like ur ping + ur reaction time less than their u can win it like i did before but yea cheaters on higher elos are not defeatable being on top 5% is kinda high i guess ....
Aesphoβ€’12mo ago
That just means they dont know how to use the triggerbot correctly, if they r on high ping they shouldnt be holding tight
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’12mo ago
ur definition of high is radiant in ur opinion i guess ? like VCT n VCL ?
Aesphoβ€’12mo ago
Nah, like imm3 300+ rr is high elo
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’12mo ago
thats i said cheaters on high elos are kinda undefeatable those guyz are like god of valorant u calling demon ranks as high elo ...
Aesphoβ€’12mo ago
Not demon ranks, thats just where ppl actly become kinda decent ._.
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’12mo ago
ma friend when i reached immo even my duelist was lurking ... i dont think its gonna be ez to reach that level when my duelist is doing sentinel/controller role's job ... and my biggest question rn is WTF i got banned for ? Which software got counted as cheat ? xD
Aesphoβ€’12mo ago
Yea imm1 is still pretty low, the skill gap between asc and low immo is non existant and also contact riot support
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’12mo ago
i did tho and they still saying my ban was on right position --_-- at first ticket tho i ve done 5 til now with my valo/vanguard/client Logs to let them know im using nothing at all that get count as cheat
NovikTFOPβ€’11mo ago
I just launched the game, and I am unbanned. I didnt recive any response to my ticket tho hell yeah I knew it was a false ban . check ur game and let me know if u got unbanned
Joy?β€’11mo ago
Im still banned man
NovikTFOPβ€’11mo ago
when did you get banned
Joy?β€’11mo ago
Yesterday morning man Or the day before I was just afk in lobby
NovikTFOPβ€’11mo ago
I was banned 3 days ago I hope you will get unbanned too ❀️
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’11mo ago
actually i received a ticket answering by Human (not this crankz botty thing ) and they said recover ur account from a ticket and i did it and im waiting for answer
NovikTFOPβ€’11mo ago
What do you mean bro?
Joy?β€’11mo ago
I did not even got a reply yet 😭
NovikTFOPβ€’11mo ago
ppl say that it typicly takes 4 to 5 days for them to reply I ddint get the reply, but somehow I am unbanned
Joy?β€’11mo ago
mine say solved but no reply or bot T T
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’11mo ago
im getting reply nearly around 24H every time and this time i think im gonna be sucessful
Joy?β€’11mo ago
@Akeylan how many tickets did u send?
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’11mo ago
1 first got answer from a bot that saying my ban was right then i sent 5 in 1 day (bec i didnt cheat and i spent too much in this game ) and a human (not crankz bot) gave me answer and said go and recover ur account from recovering ticket and make all my tickets to SOLVED now its 3rd day and im waiting for answer for my recovering ticket
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’11mo ago
Joy?β€’11mo ago
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’11mo ago
also lemme mention it : admin said sending too much doesnt help you ... xD
Joy?β€’11mo ago
then what am isupposed to do man
Akeylan Da King
Akeylan Da Kingβ€’11mo ago
also if u can mention all 3rd party things that u use valorant tracker recording app mouse app and etc
Joy?β€’11mo ago
ill make a new ticket
NovikTFOPβ€’11mo ago

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