need help fixing error code
This has been happening for months now and I can’t open the game. Ive tried deleting and redownloading valorant, vanguard, and riot and none of it works. @everyone

22 Replies
Come on someone help pls 😭
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
Press win+r
Type tpm.msc
Show ss
^ do what this guy said
he sounds smart
Ok I will give me one sec

1 sec
Restart ur pc and spam the F2 key on ur keyboard as its starting to get into the bios. Use ur phone to chat here.
Ok I’m on it
Now what
Show photo of ur bios

Press F6 to get to advanced mode

Show photo

Enable intel R platform trust technology
Did that
Is that it
Save and exit
Open the game
Ok give me a sec my pc is taking a sec to boot
So is it working now?
So i can mark this post as solved
Yes if is