16 Replies
Can you retype your issue 🔥
I cant tell what the problem is
when i start game it starts getting glitchy laggy sometimes it doesn't even work
but if i switch windows it start working properly
What mouse are you using, wired or Bluetooth?
bluetooth usb one
portronics toad 32
Thats why then.
Do you have a wired mouse you could try?
no i don't have wired mouse
Go into general settings on valorant.
Is this turned on?

If not, try turning it on and see if it works.
already on
Turn it off and see then.
It can sometimes be that.
thanks it workedd
You're welcome!!
after sometime issue started again problem not resolved🥲
okay, let me find another solution now.
Try changing the aspect ratio, it can help it sometimes.
It sounds random but it can be a fix.
BT version ?
disable pointer precision