They banned me until yesterday???????

someone help pls is very very urgentt #false ban
9 Replies
el homer
el homerOP10mo ago
They banned me until 5/4 and today is 6/4 and they banned me for voice chat reasons but I was playing with friends and no one reported me so I don't understand
No description
STS11710mo ago
It’s 4/6. So you have less than a month.
el homer
el homerOP10mo ago
not because I'm from Argentina and the day comes first Do you have any idea what happened?
STS11710mo ago
Riot Games is based in LA. So it’s probably just on the American date system. Unless it’s regionalized, but I don’t know. Riot Games uses a language model to listen to comms. So it probably just heard you curse a couple times and freaked out.
el homer
el homerOP10mo ago
I don't think so because I was with friends without poisoning anyone and they banned me out of nowhere.
STS11710mo ago
I don’t know. Their guidelines for a ban are pretty lenient, so it could’ve been as simple as a joke that the system processed wrong.
el homer
el homerOP10mo ago
That's not the problem, the problem is that they banned me until yesterday, basically I don't understand hahaha
STS11710mo ago
It’s the US Date System. So you’re banned for a month. Riot doesn’t regionalize that. You can attempt to appeal I believe, but I don’t know how well that works.
NYX192010mo ago
hi is it possible to reduce the ban time

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