is macro allowed?
I wonder if I can do this .
This is where I left click and I crouch at the same time is it ban able?
24 Replies
detectable? debatable
bannable? definitely
But its just an auto crouch
its an automated keypress which is non-human possible and is thus a cheat
I don't make the rules, that is just what it is
Also why tf do u want auto crouch
I dont wanna use those fancy cheats
Etc etc
Having an auto crouch is enough
you are aware that valorant has a toggle-crouch feature right?
What do you mean
its a feature which changes the crouch key from being hold to crouch to be tap to crouch, so you can press ctrl once and it stays crouched
just making sure as what you are talking about may just be this
Nah its very different
Is like the keybind is left click
And the shooting is left click too
They're same
A macro can make this possible
its still possible
you just double bind crouch to be ctrl and left click

like this
this is a very odd thing to do though and I'm not sure why you'd want this 🙃
Try it
It's not gonna work
Wait you did it wrong
Actually you did it right
But try it its not gonna work
it literally works wym
I tried it before even sending that photo
Oh seriously?
I probably did it wrong
Oh wow
I'm excited to try this
@witisky i want u to rethink ur life choices
Binding crouch with ur fire button?
U will not get out of silver
Shut up dude my life my rules my account my ways
I do whatever I want means if I bind my run key (w) to f2 it doesn't matter because I want it
Sed for u