VALORANT10mo ago

Power outage

i got an afk penalty when my power went out mid comp match, i was in a 5 stack and submitted a ticket as soon as it happened on my phone, it was also on my stream and ive submitted multiple tickets and never recieved a response can someone help me
1 Reply
Support Agent
Support Agent10mo ago
Sorry to hear about your situation. Unfortunately, AFK penalties are generally automated to maintain fair play, and exceptions are rare, even for power outages. You've done the right thing by submitting a ticket, but response times can sometimes be slow due to high volumes. Keep an eye on your email for any updates from Riot Support. It may also help to follow up on your existing ticket for an update rather than submitting multiple tickets, as it might slow down the response. Additionally, you can visit the Riot Games support website to check for any updates or ways to check the status of your ticket.
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