Graphics drivers crashed! Make sure your drivers are up to date
Other people have had this issue and I've tried a lot of the youtube videos and it seems like valorant just doesnt want to fix itself.
118 Replies
let me know if you find a fix please <3
I have the same problem
did you find a solution?
i feel like everytime valorant has a update
they seem to mess something up
ik dam well my 3080 ti isnt crashing
yooo i got the same issue and tbh idk whats happening
i have same issue, i do everything n still same
i even resetted my pc but nothing is working
im uninstalling rn lol
uninstall wont help
why not
i downloaded it onto a new drive
well i mean u can uninstall, but idk if its gonna work
lemme know if it does
will do
still not
u tried?
told ya
i honestly think its bc riot messed something up again
wtf is the problem then
i got this issues as well
i used to play fine and now my game just restarts its just valorant i run league fine
knowing them they won’t fix it till the next update lol
which is next act
so is this happening to everyone
or is this a me thing
nah only few ppl
no its definitely not u
ok ty
im so sad
my game works fine for the first 10 minutes then goes to 30 fps and crashes
for the first time ever, i actually wanted to play the game and then this happens hahdshbajna]
i was ina ranked game then i got kicked out
same, but instead of the fps drop i get this only

lol so im getting banned either way and most likely dropping to asc 1
goofy ass game
anyone know if theres a possible fix yet
starting to be a common issue now
they’re most likely going to fix it in the upcoming update
aka 4 days from now
love valorant so much!
i tried downloading an older version and it still doesnt work, crashes after 10 minutes
In my case, the FPS just dropped to a stable 30 FPS and won't go up. It's never happened before, and I just relogged to fix it. After that, my FPS still dropped, but now it's at 60-70 FPS only. I did my second relog to fix it, and my FPS just went back to normal as before, around 200-300 FPS. But then this thing keeps popping up and crashing my game :/
All I've done so far is: 1. updating my driver, 2. reinstalling the game, 3. cry
love when it forcefully shutdowns my computer to
I’ve updated the driver multiple times
downloaded multiple older versions
yes same
nothing is working
Having this exact same issue, definitely a valorant thing because of the amount of people experiencing it
i also have been having the issue and just joined the chat to try to ask for help
Eating my skibidi
Help plz
same problem
Having the issue too
i got a blue screen last night that was val related so i thought it was that IM SO relieved to see that its not that and its a valorant thing
Just tried a clean install of my graphics driver with ddu and i still experience the same issue
so ig its rito related (indie company)
try this site

Can you send the link
dm me
it’s a val issue these fixes may only help temporarily
well its better than nothing for the moment
roll back your drivers to the last one it worked for me
on nvidia?
go to ur device manager
and click on display adapters you'll see ur graphics card
right click
got to properties then click driver tab and you'll see the option to roll back driver update
wont let me
ah then idk
ig the only solution is to wait on riot lol
lets see how fast they usually get these bugs done
for some reason its working for me again (i think it does)
Update/roll back your drivers guys its a driver issue not val one
no way it worked for u before me linya 😭
my roll back is greyd out
cant click on it
That means there is no previous versions to roll back to
and then when i update it
When did you last update it?
it just says up to date
I'm confused on this cause I don't see how it could be a driver issue with so many people experiencing it. pls educate me
few hrs ago
(I mean it's obviously a driver issue in some manner but it might be caused by valorant)
Respectfully, i play on a intel i7 and intel UHD if it was a game issue id be crashing too
Do you have anything running in the background while playing the game?
i think ima just reinstall my whole gpu lol
Just reinstall ur drivers
Using ddu
You can try that
Its not that hard
Display driver uninstaller
I did it manually once...
yeah i might have too lol
On accident 💀
no other choice
Hm shouldn't be an issue most of the time
Yeah as long as you reinstall it
I suppose, it's just that I've seen many different people (Nvidia, Intel, amd) of all different graphics cards and cpus reporting the issue. But I'm no expert so I could be wrong. I'm gonna do a complete fresh reinstall of my drivers tomorrow and see if they works
I have friends who play on all types of specs it isn't a valorant issue its a pc issue 99% of the time
did you just go to device manager and press uninstall
yeah but don't do that seriously its not the way to do it 💀
oh lol
whats so bad abt it?
Oh hell naw
nah i reinstalled and same problem persists
val issue fs
wait wait add me back on dc x
Meh do i need to make a guide on reinstalling drivers too now
I have to say
I got the same problem
But I don't know how je just disappear
I start a lot of things that didn't change the problem
Issue is so bad for me that everytime I open Val this happens lmao

The fuck
That is definitely just ur graphics drivers crashing
Do a clean install of ur drivers
Wasn’t happening prior to the patch weirdly enough, also updated my drivers multiple times so far, super weird
Ok hear me out
What gpu do u have?
I could DDU it and see what happens
Computer Surgeon
How to Clean Install Graphics Drivers Using DDU - The Proper Way! |...
Sponsored by my PC building company - PC36!
(the new site for the "JCPC Customs" I mention in the video
Enjoy this guide and thank you for all your kind words! 🥰
* NVIDIA Drivers (use manual search):
* Radeon Drivers:
Follow this ^
Skip the nvidia stuff
Did the driver reinstall work?
Cuz I was experienced the same issue yesterday and now
so everybody’s graphics drivers are fucking up?
ye i tried this didn’t work
it’s valorant
yea idk
what i did was
shut of my PC for the night
and in the morning it fixed
and i reverted my drivers
to the previous ones last night
but im running at 1080ti so i dont rlly need all up do date drivers
The issue should be resolved

Not for me unfortunately
did you do a clean install of your drivers?
Yeah, about 4 hours ago actually
what gpu
have they fixed the bug
any new fix tried ddu aswell
nope its not
i still crashed
That’s weird I’m playing fine now
It's still not working for me
Any new fixes?