Created by Emmi on 12/14/2024 in #community-help
Valorant ping issues
So, i was playing valorant completely fine a couple of hours ago then all of a sudden my ping was spiking from 34 to 150 or higher, it was super inconsistant and wouldnt stay at my stable ping in goergia servers which is about 32 ping, I don't have wifi issues and in every other game i played i was fine no ping spikes or anything,
12 replies
Created by Emmi on 8/19/2024 in #community-help
Game not loading at all untill i restart game.
So ive been expierencing this issue on and off the past couple of months but it finally got me mad when i have a 30 minute pentalty because of this issue, Ill launch valorant as usual and then i will que into a swiftplay i choose my character and my fps drops to 30 then back up too 700. and then on the map screen my game just freezes on agent select. it wont load untill i close and relaunch my game. then wont do it again untill i close the game for a long period of time, then it will do it again. Sometimes i have no issue and i can just load in. i do nothing different.. Any imput on what i can do?
1 replies
Created by Emmi on 2/21/2023 in #community-help
(kind of internet problems unsure if its my wifi or riot itself
Recently my internet has been spontaneously bad, I queue a game, and I keep getting told to reconnect to the game after the game disconnects me, whether or not this is 100% my internet, or the game, or even both, I'm unsure, however, because this has become a common issue, I'm now banned from comp for an unreasonably long time of a week, and unrated banned for another hour, is there anything I can do? I'm sure I could submit an appeal but I'm afraid it'll get denied simply because I asked or because they think it's an excuse. Any advice would be helpful, I'm seriously upset about this.
7 replies