49 Replies
disable secure boot
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i want to know the issue, this didn't occur before
This isn't an issue it's a requirement to run the game
it ran fine before today
Secure boot and TPM must be enabled to run vanguard, Which is required to run Valorant
i see
Some people don't need any of this. But some people need to enable it
The requirements are decided by a vanguard based on your individual system
it didn't want to enable it
got this error

Set secure boot mode to custom
And then press enroll all factory default keys
okay now the game says TPM 2.0 must be enabled
bro i have the same trust me u can't slove it . u need to open ticket with support
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
i try to do all fixs and it's dosen't work
I solved it
tell me
Just google how to enable tpm 2.0
my pc is old 1.2
What are you talking about
Sorry I was away
bro i have the same
and i can't slove it
i reinstall windows and game and vangurd and bois i enabled secure - and all is fine but still
i do all fixes i saw but still ,
im on windows 10 btw
win+r, tpm.msc, send a photo

i can't updated cuz my mother board is shit but i played the game 7-8months

@Saucywan btw windows 10 can play game easily without tpm 2.0 u need to disable VBS
but imagine it's already disabled
but he keeped send my this message btw TPM 2.0 ENABLED
my tpm is 1.2 i can't change it to 2.0
I know
But that doesn't apply for the error you're having
Only van 9005

this is
I know
bro i got my orange juice and sit to play normaly , he give this to me
without i do anything
any fixes please bro
i try all what i can
Please stop pinging me

1 day without responsed so i need to play the game , so sry for keep pinging u
It could take up to three days for a response
so yes
no fixes for this , i want to wait
Its not a bug or glitch u can get a fix for smh
i did all , but i can't sloved it
Cuz ur pc doesn't support tpm 2.0
I have the same issue, so do i just write to riot, i just recently got imposed this restriction and my laptop doesnt support tpm 2.0
What laptop do u have?
Show msinfo32
