27 Replies

is there anything i gotta change?
Secure boot mode to custom
Then restore factory keys
ill try this
I have the same issue! ;-; Are you on windows 11? I have windows 11 and im wondering if that has something to do with it
Not rly
i am on w11
U just need to enable secure boot in the bios
ight lemme do it rq
But u need to check some things beforehand
Or u might brick ur pc
It already is enabled tho. I opened the settings and it was enabled even before this so idk what the issue is really
Set secure boot mode to custom
Then restore/install default factory boot keys
Depending on ur mobo if it will be install or restore
But i would still like to see ur msinfo32 first
To make sure its safe for u to do so
Yeah idk anything about computers and i dont dare make any changes to it in fear i'll break my pc 😭
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

oh shoot it worked
apperiate it
Yea u r safe to enable secure boot
Ofc it did
@Bearry <3 lmk if ur done
so i can close this
Now this shows up instead

Ive replayed the tutorial like 10 times trying to fix this and some error shows up every time at the same point
Get back into the bios
Use ur phone to chat here
What am i looking for exactly?
Show photo of ur bios
bios means settings right? the boot settings?
Ur bios settings
This??? Sorry idk what bios means

Show photo