14 Replies
my esc button broken tried to change that keybind on valorant but cant find the "esc" button keybind
try harder to find the keybind, or you could get some kinda software to translate another key to esc. but idk how that coding shit works
I CANT FIND THAT keybind setting for "esc" button in val
can you help me to find please?
you can macro the esc button maybe
I think you can macro it to a different button
But idk
Show me a photo of your keyboard
I sent on dm

The esc key is in the top left
yea but
broken for me
How I change that esc to another key in valoranttt
thats my problemm
SAUCYYY I need help quick really
You cant
hwo can I change on windows?
like I want to change "é" this button to esc button
cant they just macro it?
well idk if they have logitech g hub but i think that would work